
172 lines
4.9 KiB

package fitz
// contentType returns document MIME type.
func contentType(b []byte) string {
l := len(b)
// for file length shortcuts see https://github.com/mathiasbynens/small
switch {
case l < 8:
return ""
case isPAM(b):
return "image/x-portable-arbitrarymap"
case isPBM(b):
return "image/x-portable-bitmap"
case isPFM(b):
return "image/x-portable-floatmap"
case isPGM(b):
return "image/x-portable-greymap"
case isPPM(b):
return "image/x-portable-pixmap"
case isGIF(b):
return "image/gif"
case l < 16:
return ""
case isBMP(b):
return "image/bmp"
case isJBIG2(b):
// file header + segment header = 24 bytes
return "image/x-jb2"
case l < 32:
return ""
case isTIFF(b):
return "image/tiff"
case l < 64:
return ""
case isJPEG(b):
return "image/jpeg"
case isPNG(b):
return "image/png"
case isJPEG2000(b):
return "image/jp2"
case isJPEGXR(b):
return "image/vnd.ms-photo"
case isPDF(b):
return "application/pdf"
case isZIP(b):
switch {
case isEPUB(b):
return "application/epub+zip"
case isXPS(b):
return "application/oxps"
// fitz will consider it a Comic Book Archive
// must contain at least one image, i.e. >64 bytes
return "application/zip"
case isXML(b):
// fitz will consider it an FB2
// minimal valid FB2 w/o content is >64 bytes
return "text/xml"
return ""
func isBMP(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x42 && b[1] == 0x4D
func isGIF(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x47 && b[1] == 0x49 && b[2] == 0x46 && b[3] == 0x38
func isJBIG2(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x97 && b[1] == 0x4A && b[2] == 0x42 && b[3] == 0x32 &&
b[4] == 0x0D && b[5] == 0x0A && b[6] == 0x1A && b[7] == 0x0A
func isJPEG(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0xFF && b[1] == 0xD8 && b[2] == 0xFF
func isJPEG2000(b []byte) bool {
switch {
case b[0] == 0xFF && b[1] == 0x4F && b[2] == 0xFF && b[3] == 0x51:
return true
return b[0] == 0x00 && b[1] == 0x00 && b[2] == 0x00 && b[3] == 0x0C &&
b[4] == 0x6A && b[5] == 0x50 && b[6] == 0x20 && b[7] == 0x20 &&
b[8] == 0x0D && b[9] == 0x0A && b[10] == 0x87 && b[11] == 0x0A
func isJPEGXR(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x49 && b[1] == 0x49 && b[2] == 0xBC
func isPAM(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x50 && b[1] == 0x37 && b[2] == 0x0A
func isPBM(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x50 && (b[1] == 0x31 || b[1] == 0x34) && b[2] == 0x0A
func isPFM(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x50 && (b[1] == 0x46 || b[1] == 0x66) && b[2] == 0x0A
func isPGM(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x50 && (b[1] == 0x32 || b[1] == 0x35) && b[2] == 0x0A
func isPPM(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x50 && (b[1] == 0x33 || b[1] == 0x36) && b[2] == 0x0A
func isPNG(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x89 && b[1] == 0x50 && b[2] == 0x4E && b[3] == 0x47 &&
b[4] == 0x0D && b[5] == 0x0A && b[6] == 0x1A && b[7] == 0x0A
func isTIFF(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x49 && b[1] == 0x49 && b[2] == 0x2A && b[3] == 0x00 ||
b[0] == 0x4D && b[1] == 0x4D && b[2] == 0x00 && b[3] == 0x2A
// PDF magic number 25 50 44 46 = "%PDF".
func isPDF(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x25 && b[1] == 0x50 && b[2] == 0x44 && b[3] == 0x46
// Non-empty ZIP archive magic number 50 4B 03 04.
func isZIP(b []byte) bool {
return b[0] == 0x50 && b[1] == 0x4B && b[2] == 0x03 && b[3] == 0x04
// Looks for a file named "mimetype" containing the ASCII string "application/epub+zip".
// The file must be uncompressed and be the first file within the archive.
func isEPUB(b []byte) bool {
return b[30] == 0x6D && b[31] == 0x69 && b[32] == 0x6D && b[33] == 0x65 &&
b[34] == 0x74 && b[35] == 0x79 && b[36] == 0x70 && b[37] == 0x65 &&
b[38] == 0x61 && b[39] == 0x70 && b[40] == 0x70 && b[41] == 0x6C &&
b[42] == 0x69 && b[43] == 0x63 && b[44] == 0x61 && b[45] == 0x74 &&
b[46] == 0x69 && b[47] == 0x6F && b[48] == 0x6E && b[49] == 0x2F &&
b[50] == 0x65 && b[51] == 0x70 && b[52] == 0x75 && b[53] == 0x62 &&
b[54] == 0x2B && b[55] == 0x7A && b[56] == 0x69 && b[57] == 0x70
// Looks for a file named "[Content_Types].xml" at the root of a ZIP archive.
// MS Office apps put this file first within the archive enabling for fast detection.
func isXPS(b []byte) bool {
return b[30] == 0x5B && b[31] == 0x43 && b[32] == 0x6F && b[33] == 0x6E &&
b[34] == 0x74 && b[35] == 0x65 && b[36] == 0x6E && b[37] == 0x74 &&
b[38] == 0x5F && b[39] == 0x54 && b[40] == 0x79 && b[41] == 0x70 &&
b[42] == 0x65 && b[43] == 0x73 && b[44] == 0x5D && b[45] == 0x2E &&
b[46] == 0x78 && b[47] == 0x6D && b[48] == 0x6C
// Checks for "<?xml" string at the beginning of the file.
// Possible occurrences of a UTF-8 BOM are also considered.
func isXML(b []byte) bool {
switch {
// w/o UTF-8 BOM:
case b[0] == 0x3C && b[1] == 0x3F && b[2] == 0x78 && b[3] == 0x6D && b[4] == 0x6C:
return true
// w/ UTF-8 BOM:
return b[0] == 0xEF && b[1] == 0xBB && b[2] == 0xBF && b[3] == 0x3C &&
b[4] == 0x3F && b[5] == 0x78 && b[6] == 0x6D && b[7] == 0x6C