
257 lines
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package attr
import (
type KeyValue = attribute.KeyValue
type IntoTraceAttribute interface {
IntoTraceAttribute() attribute.KeyValue
type IntoTraceAttributes interface {
IntoTraceAttributes() []attribute.KeyValue
func CollectAttributes(attrs ...interface{}) []attribute.KeyValue {
collected := make([]attribute.KeyValue, len(attrs))
for _, a := range attrs {
switch a.(type) {
case []attribute.KeyValue:
collected = append(collected, a.([]attribute.KeyValue)...)
case attribute.KeyValue:
collected = append(collected, a.(attribute.KeyValue))
case IntoTraceAttribute:
collected = append(collected, a.(IntoTraceAttribute).IntoTraceAttribute())
case IntoTraceAttributes:
collected = append(collected, a.(IntoTraceAttributes).IntoTraceAttributes()...)
return collected
func WithAttributes(attrs ...interface{}) trace.SpanStartEventOption {
return trace.WithAttributes(CollectAttributes(attrs...)...)
const (
SeverityLevelKey = attribute.Key("level")
LogMessageLongKey = attribute.Key("log_message.long")
LogMessageShortKey = attribute.Key("log_message.short")
EnduserResponseMessageKey = attribute.Key("enduser.response_message")
SessionLanguageIdKey = attribute.Key("session.language_id")
SessionCountryIdKey = attribute.Key("session.country_id")
SessionCurrencyIdKey = attribute.Key("session.currency_id")
ProcessThreadsAvailableKey = attribute.Key("process.threads_available")
ServiceLayerKey = attribute.Key("service.layer")
ServiceLayerNameKey = attribute.Key("service.layer_name")
type ServiceArchitectureLayer string
const (
LayerFrameworkMiddleware ServiceArchitectureLayer = "framework_middleware"
LayerHandler = "handler"
LayerService = "service"
LayerRepository = "repository"
LayerORM = "orm"
LayerUtil = "util"
// Build an attribute with a value formatted as json
func JsonAttr(key string, jsonEl map[string]interface{}) attribute.KeyValue {
jsonStr, _ := json.Marshal(jsonEl)
return attribute.KeyValue{Key: attribute.Key(key), Value: attribute.StringValue(string(jsonStr))}
// An attribute informing about the severity or importance of an event using our own standard of log levels that
// can map to syslog level.
func SeverityLevel(lvl level.SeverityLevel) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.String(string(SeverityLevelKey), lvl.String())
func LogMessage(short string, expanded string) []attribute.KeyValue {
attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 2)
attrs = append(attrs, LogMessageShort(short), LogMessageLong(expanded))
return attrs
// An attribute which value could be used as the full message field within the GELF format.
func LogMessageLong(msg string) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.String(string(LogMessageLongKey), msg)
// An attribute which value could be used as the short message field within the GELF format.
func LogMessageShort(msg string) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.String(string(LogMessageShortKey), msg)
// A message provided to the end user. For example, in case of API server errors it might be desired
// to provide to the user a message that does not leak too many details instead of sending an original
// (for a given package) error message.
func EnduserResponseMessage(msg string) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.String(string(EnduserResponseMessageKey), msg)
// Inspect the call stack to retrieve the information about a call site location including
// function name, file path, and line number.
func SourceCodeLocation(skipLevelsInCallStack int) []attribute.KeyValue {
pc, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1 + skipLevelsInCallStack)
funcName := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
return []attribute.KeyValue{
Key: semconv.CodeFunctionKey,
Value: attribute.StringValue(funcName),
Key: semconv.CodeFilepathKey,
Value: attribute.StringValue(file),
Key: semconv.CodeLineNumberKey,
Value: attribute.IntValue(line),
// Use within some panic handler to generate an attribute that will contain a stack trace.
func PanicStackTrace() attribute.KeyValue {
stackTrace := string(debug.Stack())
return semconv.ExceptionStacktrace(stackTrace)
// Builds attributes describing a server.
func Server(address string, port int) []attribute.KeyValue {
return []attribute.KeyValue{
Key: semconv.ServerAddressKey,
Value: attribute.StringValue(address),
Key: semconv.ServerPortKey,
Value: attribute.IntValue(port),
// Investigates the running process to derive attributes that describe it. This will only
// try to retrive these details which provide any valuable information at the start of a
// process.
func ProcessStart() []attribute.KeyValue {
attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 5)
executablePath, err := os.Executable()
if err == nil {
attrs = append(attrs, semconv.ProcessExecutablePath(executablePath))
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err == nil {
attrs = append(attrs, semconv.HostName(hostname))
runtimeVersion := runtime.Version()
cpuThreads := runtime.NumCPU()
pid := os.Getpid()
attrs = append(attrs, semconv.ProcessParentPID(pid), semconv.ProcessRuntimeVersion(runtimeVersion), attribute.KeyValue{
Key: ProcessThreadsAvailableKey,
Value: attribute.IntValue(cpuThreads),
return attrs
// Id of an end user's session.
func SessionId(id string) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.KeyValue{
Key: semconv.SessionIDKey,
Value: attribute.StringValue(id),
// Id of a language associated with a user's session.
func SessionLanguageId(id uint) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.KeyValue{
Key: SessionLanguageIdKey,
Value: attribute.IntValue(int(id)),
// Id of a country associated with a user's session.
func SessionCountryId(id uint) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.KeyValue{
Key: SessionCountryIdKey,
Value: attribute.IntValue(int(id)),
// Id of a currency associated with a user's session.
func SessionCurrencyId(id uint) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.KeyValue{
Key: SessionCurrencyIdKey,
Value: attribute.IntValue(int(id)),
// Render details about session as attributes.
func Session(deets SessionDetails) []attribute.KeyValue {
return deets.IntoTraceAttributes()
// A collection of attributes that we at maal frequently attach to user sessions that can
// be converted into a collection of trace attributes. All fields are optional.
type SessionDetails struct {
ID *string
PreviousID *string
LanguageID *uint
CountryID *uint
CurrencyID *uint
func (deets SessionDetails) IntoTraceAttributes() []attribute.KeyValue {
attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 4) // most frequently we won't have previous session ID
if deets.ID != nil {
attrs = append(attrs, SessionId(*deets.ID))
if deets.PreviousID != nil {
attrs = append(attrs, attribute.KeyValue{
Key: semconv.SessionPreviousIDKey,
Value: attribute.StringValue(*deets.PreviousID),
if deets.LanguageID != nil {
attrs = append(attrs, SessionLanguageId(*deets.LanguageID))
if deets.CountryID != nil {
attrs = append(attrs, SessionCountryId(*deets.CountryID))
if deets.CurrencyID != nil {
attrs = append(attrs, SessionCurrencyId(*deets.CurrencyID))
return attrs
// Describes a layer of a web server architecture with some of terms frequently used at maal.
func ServiceLayer(layer ServiceArchitectureLayer) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.KeyValue{
Key: ServiceLayerKey,
Value: attribute.StringValue(string(layer)),
func ServiceLayerName(name string) attribute.KeyValue {
return attribute.KeyValue{
Key: ServiceLayerNameKey,
Value: attribute.StringValue(name),