
94 lines
2.9 KiB

package console_exporter
import (
// A formatter that will print only events using a multiline format with colors.
// It uses attributes from the [attr] and [semconv] packages.
type EventsOnlyFormatter struct{}
func (f *EventsOnlyFormatter) FormatSpans(spans []trace.ReadOnlySpan, removeFields []attribute.Key, verbosityLevel level.SeverityLevel, addTraceId bool, onlyOnError bool) (string, error) {
stubs := tracetest.SpanStubsFromReadOnlySpans(spans)
var formattedSpanString string
for i := range stubs {
stub := &stubs[i]
for j := range stub.Events {
var attributes map[attribute.Key]string = make(map[attribute.Key]string, 0)
var msg string
var lvl level.SeverityLevel
var isErr bool
var location code_location.CodeLocation
for _, attrKV := range stub.Attributes {
if _, exists := attributes[attrKV.Key]; !exists {
attributes[attrKV.Key] = attrKV.Value.AsString()
for _, attrKV := range stub.Events[j].Attributes {
switch attrKV.Key {
case attr.LogMessageLongKey:
msg = attrKV.Value.AsString()
case attr.LogMessageShortKey:
if len(msg) == 0 {
msg = attrKV.Value.AsString()
case attr.SeverityLevelKey:
lvl = level.FromString(attrKV.Value.AsString())
case semconv.CodeFilepathKey:
location.FilePath = attrKV.Value.AsString()
case semconv.CodeLineNumberKey:
location.LineNumber = int(attrKV.Value.AsInt64())
case semconv.CodeColumnKey:
location.ColumnNumber = int(attrKV.Value.AsInt64())
case semconv.ExceptionMessageKey:
attributes[attrKV.Key] = attrKV.Value.AsString()
isErr = true
if !slices.Contains(removeFields, attrKV.Key) && len(attrKV.Key) > 0 {
attributes[attrKV.Key] = attrKV.Value.AsString()
if len(msg) == 0 {
msg = stub.Name
if addTraceId {
attributes[attribute.Key("trace_id")] = stub.SpanContext.TraceID().String()
if len(location.FilePath) > 0 {
attributes["code.location"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", location.FilePath, location.LineNumber, location.ColumnNumber)
if !(!isErr && onlyOnError) && lvl <= verbosityLevel {
attrs := ""
for k, v := range attributes {
attrs += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s%s%s = %s\n", console_fmt.ColorBold, k, console_fmt.ColorReset, v)
formattedSpanString += fmt.Sprintf(
"%s %s\n%s",
fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", console_fmt.SeverityLevelToColor(lvl), lvl.String()),
fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", msg, console_fmt.ColorReset),
return formattedSpanString, nil